

Sea Art Festival 2013

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2013 Trace of wind

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관리자 2013-09-02 19:52

Trace of wind

Trace of wind
mixed media

While wind may be felt, it has no physical or visual substance. Wind circulates air and animates nature in playful ways. Though wind may, on occasion, manifest itself in less than pleasant ways, causing natural phenomenon such as typhoons and tidal waves, a world without wind would be painfully dull and static.
The work gives form to the invisible forces of wind and to its role in animating our lives and environment. It is an image for Songdo beach, homage to the hot, sunny, summer sea. The wind's presence will be made visible through flags. The design of blue and white flags suggests a blue ocean, and the wind expresses hope for the future.

The bamboo masts supporting the flags will bow lightly in the wind as the flags wave and billow.