


The Busan Biennale 2014 Poster Released

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관리자 2014-07-14 09:19

The Busan Biennale 2014 Poster Released

The Busan Biennale 2014 Poster Released


- Adopting fluid images symbolizing Busan and the exhibition theme -

  The poster of the Busan Biennale 2014, titled as "Inhabiting the World”, has been finalized.


  Designed by Pooroni Rhee, this year’s poster focuses on reflecting the exhibition title and the theme, “Inhabiting the World,” and the geographic and geologic characteristics of “Busan.” The designer interprets the exhibition theme and the characteristics of Busan using keywords such as “water,” “organicness,” “transformity" and “flexibility." Breaking away from a formal, rigid composition, free, curved patterns were used to emulate organic and transformative images.


  Composed of three layers, the poster represents the world we inhabit, resembling macroscopic landscape of the universe and microscopic cell-like shapes. The yellow background, which establishes the underlying ground of the design, is inspired from the patterns found in a global map and it represents the world we inhabit. A number of forms were used to indicate our life within the world we live in. The shapes derive from the various elements: a Voronoi diagram a way of showing space and inhabitation; a roof tile one of the basic residential elements; a wave of the sea a symbol of Busan. These elements, spread out in the entire poster, underscore the exhibition theme. Then on the top layer, textual information is arranged in transformative structures to generate organic images and also provide exhibition information. The three layers, which are the fundamental frames of the poster, symbolize the Busan Biennale 2014 by implicating the exhibition theme, as well as the image of Busan through vibrant primary colors, such as yellow and red, reflecting the open and dynamic nature of Busan.


  The base patterns and images of the finalized poster of the Busan Biennale 2014 will be applied in designing various promotion materials, exhibition spaces and books to construct a visually unified image and to promote the event more effectively.


  Pooroni Rhee, who developed the designs of the Busan Biennale 2014, is a graphic designer and an illustrator who created the posters of the Busan Biennale 2010 and the Public Design Expo 2006, as well as a number of other big projects.


  The Busan Biennale 2014, titled as “Inhabiting the World,” will be held from September 20 through November 22 at the Busan Museum of Art, the Busan Cultural Center and the KISWIRE Sooyoung Factory.