

Academic Program 2020

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ArchiveProgramAcademic Program 2020Art Map Project
2020 Busan Art Map Project The Map of Art Expedition is a brochure directed by the Busan Biennale 2020.
This guide introduces and demonstrates the exhibitions as well as the alternative art spaces, art museums, private galleries
and various forms of the cultural spaces for the explorers in Busan during the biennale exhibition. The map divided Busan into 5 parts,
Old Town, River Nakdong, Suyeong & Namgu, Haeundae and Seomyun & Dongnae, offering an overview of the exhibitions and
cultural venues including Busan Biennale 2020 contents.

Each artistic venue may vary the opening time and the booklet will provided at the mentioned 50 exhibition halls and
Biennale exhibition venues.

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